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 Jefferson Award

Nov 2020 - Matthew Seguin

Congratulations to Matthew Sequin our November Jefferson Award earner. He

 has always been an accomplished student throughout high school and in the midst of the pandemic, he wanted to extend a helping hand to his friends struggling in AP Calculus. Pioneer High School already had a student tutoring program in the past, but it was shut down due to quarantine and never started up again. Both his selfless action and the stoppage of the previous tutoring program inspired him to reach out to an administrator at Pioneer High School for permission to start up a student-led tutoring program. Although it was intended to be a small program with only a handful of students, it has exceeded expectations, now hosting 24 tutors and over 100 student inquiries. The program has grown large enough and now has its own Canvas page where students can reach out for help, giving struggling students an opportunity to improve their grades, while also providing service opportunities for student tutors. Not only has the program impacted other students, but it has also helped improve Matthew’s teaching skills and fulfilled his high school experience. “It feels good to help people” - Matthew Seguin 2020


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